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FLGR-NY January Chapter Meeting – Connecting the Dots Between the Waste Crisis and the Climate Crisis

January 9, 7:00 pm8:30 pm

Few understand the connections between the waste and the climate crises. In this presentation, Chris W. Burger will discuss how addressing the waste crisis helps to address the climate crisis. Three areas will be featured:

  • Reducing energy use by creating the circular use of material. The energy saved through reuse and recycling is roughly equivalent to the amount of energy used for providing us with food and rivals the energy used for transportation.
  • Curtailing the use of plastic along with increasing the recyclability of plastic. Plastics are of particular concern given the that 99% of all plastics are derived from fossil fuels and generate their own emissions in the process.
  • Eliminating organics in landfills. Anthropogenic production of methane represents a close second to CO2 in its effect on our climate, especially when its increased potency is factored in. Despite our best efforts, methane from our landfills is still a large contributing factor

Chris is a trained Climate Reality Leader and member of our Chapter. His accomplishments include developing the first Weatherization program in the country in 1977. In 1985, he developed a County-wide recycling program. He has co-founded and/or led a number of organizations focused on sustainability including the New York Sustainable Business Council. He also walks the talk, achieving zero waste along with his family since 1992 and designed and built a home that has been fossil free since 1998.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 958 6631 3240
Passcode: NYRocks


January 9
7:00 pm–8:30 pm

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