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Finger Lakes Book Group Meeting – “Unfracked,” Richard Buttny

December 18, 2024, 7:00 pm8:00 pm

The Finger Lakes Book Group will meet on Wednesday, December 18, 2024 at 7 pm. We will be discussing “Unfracked: The Struggle to Ban Fracking in New York” by Richard Buttny (UMass Press, 2024). Richard, who is a trained Climate Reality Leader and a member of Finger Lakes Chapter, will attend the meeting to help facilitate the discussion.

Book description from University of Massachusetts Press:

Since fracking emerged as a way of extracting natural gas, through intense deep drilling and the use of millions of gallons of water and chemicals to fracture shale, it has been controversial. It is perceived in different ways by different people—by some as an opportunity for increased resources and possibly jobs and other income; by others as a public health and environmental threat; and for many, an unknown. Richard Buttny, a scholar who works on rhetoric and discursive practices, read a story in his local paper in New York about hydrofracking coming to his area and had to research what it was, and what it could mean for his community. Soon he joined neighbors in fighting to have the practice banned state-wide. At the same time, he turned his scholarly eye to the messaging from both sides of the fight, using first-person accounts, interviews, and media coverage.

The activists fighting fracking won. New York is now the only state in the US with sizable deposits of natural gas that has banned hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. Unfracked explains the competing rhetoric and discourses on fracking among New York-based advocates, experts, the grassroots, and political officials. Buttny examines how these positions evolved over time and how eventually the state arrived at a decision to ban this extractive technology. His accessible approach provides both a historical recounting of the key events of this seven-year conflict, along with four in-depth case studies: a grassroots citizen group, a public hearing with medical physicians, a key intergovernmental hearing, and a formal debate among experts. The result is a look at a very recent, important historical moment and a useful examination of environmental activist and fossil fuel advocate rhetoric around an issue that continues to cause debate nationwide.

Richard Buttny is professor emeritus of communication & rhetorical studies at Syracuse University. He is the author of Talking Problems: Studies on Discursive Construction and Social Accountability in Communication.

Note: “Unfracked” is available at:  umasspress.com (use code UMASS20 to save 20%).

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Meeting ID: 926 2795 7489

Passcode: NYRocks


December 18, 2024
7:00 pm–8:00 pm

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