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FLGR-NY October Chapter Meeting: Student Advocacy in the Community – Sunrise Ithaca and Justice 50

October 10, 2024, 7:00 pm8:30 pm

February 2024 Justice50 Community Meeting, photo by Aaron Fernando

In 2019, a small group of Ithaca College students with a powerful vision for a more sustainable and equitable future joined together to form Sunrise Ithaca. They quickly built partnerships, support, and enthusiasm around the idea of a climate just future, and less than six months later, the Ithaca Common Council adopted the Ithaca Green New Deal (IGND).

In the five years since then, Sunrise Ithaca has continued to be an active participant in implementing the IGND. Most recently, Sunrise Ithaca made a push to involve the Ithaca community in understanding and supporting the IGND and Justice50. They hosted two community meetings, in which they presented the details of Justice50, gathered feedback, and provided people with information about how to get involved. Ultimately, the City of Ithaca passed Justice50 unanimously in May of 2024, becoming the first city in the nation to operationalize climate justice.

The featured presenters for this month’s meeting are Ace Dufrense, a junior at Ithaca High School and the leader of Sunrise Ithaca, and Siobhan Hull, a spring graduate of Cornell, Sunrise Ithaca member, and member of the City’s Sustainability and Climate Justice Commission.

Ace and Siobhan will give a brief overview of the Sunrise Movement in Ithaca, including the key role in creating the IGND and the push for equity through Justice50. They will also discuss other initiatives that Sunrise Ithaca is involved in and opportunities for continuing to work within the community.


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 958 6631 3240

Passcode: NYRocks


October 10, 2024
7:00 pm–8:30 pm


On Zoom

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